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Leader's & Volunteer's Page

Here is a page set a side for Leaders and Volunteers of the award to see up coming events and training oppotunities, expeditions, download forms and risk assessments.


Volunteers needed for DofE

http://photos.kirkleesdofe.org/Batley-Open-Award-Centre/Woodwork/Picture-023/1132353022_tgjmh-S.jpgMost people's perception  of volunteering with the D of E is helping with  expeditions on a weekend, but that's only the tip of the iceberg because the expedition section is only one quarter of the award!




http://photos.kirkleesdofe.org/Other/Scammonden-Cooking-Residential/Residentials/i-XhZk6QZ/0/S/P4280606-S.jpgWe need volunteers to help us put our young people through the physical, volunteering and skill sections too.


http://photos.kirkleesdofe.org/Holmfirth-Open-Award-Centre/Archery/PA040309/1101727556_rjq7s-S.jpgIf you have a hobby or skill you would like to pass on and enable some of our young people to complete their Award, you might want to help in an after school club  or at one of our Open Award Centres dotted around the authority.


...I'm sure we can make use of your particular passion. 

Please don't hesitate to contact any of the award centres listed near you. You can do as much or as little as you like.

Oh, and by the way, if walking and the hills is your thing, we still do need volunteers to help us on expedition weekends too!


Young Volunteers

Young volunteers are also needed in Open Award Centres, to help over Wacky and also at Summer Camps. Volunteering in these ways can go towards your Volunteering section and if you go on a summer camp, this can be your Residential at Gold Level.

Here is a Video about Volunteering at Summer Camp

Expedition Dates

Volunteers are always needed on Open Expeditions. If you are interested in getting involved, please get in touch via dofe.awards@kirklees.gov.uk .
He can also add you to the volunteer mailing list so you know when these dates are.


Leader Expedition Notification Procedures

For Leaders that need help with what they need to do in order to run an expedition, please see the Expedition Notification Process page in addition to the DofE Award Groups Operations Manual for help.



There are currently many temporary changes in place due to the Covid-19 Pandemic. Please see the National Website for all the current details. www.dofe.org/dofewithadifference


eDofE Help

For help with eDofE please visit out eDofE page


Programme Ideas

12 Week Planned activities

At our Open Award Centres, we tend to do activities in 12 week blocks.

This is ideal because at bronze level for example, each participant must do at least an hour's activity per week,  for a 12 weeks(3 months) period in order to complete each of their skill, volunteering, physical  and expedition sections. This can be done concurrently.

Once these have been completed each young person needs to choose one of the sections to do for an extra 12 weeks.

Please click on  DofE website  to see extensive list of activities for you to choose from.

Alternatively look at examples of activities by going to the 'what's on' or gallery pages for more ideas.

Here are some 12 week proragramme examples.

Problems Downloading??

All of our downloadable forms are either PDF's or Doc files. Doc files can be opened in most Word Processors (eg Microsoft Office, Open Office...). To be able to open PDF's you must download a PDF viewer. The DofE website advises you use the Adobe one.

For more information contact the Kirklees DofE office.